Content Knowledge

Beyond understanding central concepts of the content area, the educator must also understand the tools of inquiry and structures of discipline in the content area. The educator must have enough accurate mastery of these aspects of the content area such that she can create lessons that are accessible to and meaningful for learners. The educator should draw upon her own memory as a learner to place herself in the student’s shoes and anticipate certain misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. Additionally, the educator should always be seeking opportunities to grow her own content knowledge.

The Praxis II content exams measure the teacher’s understanding of content-specific information in order to ensure the teacher is prepared to guide students as they work to discover this knowledge. For secondary English, the required Praxis II examination is: English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038). To demonstrate successful completion of this requirement, the teacher should make her passing score report for the appropriate Praxis II content area examination available to potential or current employers.

The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) reading and writing examination measures communication and literary skills necessary for educators. To demonstrate successful completion of this requirement, the teacher should make her qualifying score report available to potential or current employers. 

For the field of secondary English, the teacher is required to have completed a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English, as well as all requirements for licensure and/or a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT). To demonstrate successful completion of these requirements, the teacher should make her undergraduate and graduate transcripts available to potential or current employers.

For more information about my perspective on this professional standard, please see my reflections on content knowledge.